Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012
This year we spent Christmas at home.  It was a great holiday!  It was nice to have so much family time without having to travel.  Since Christmas wasn't until Tuesday we spent the weekend before Christmas doing lots of little holiday projects.  We had a gingerbread house competition, a cookie decorating day, a game day, and homemade pizza/movie night.
Chatting with Santa at Larkin's preschool.
 Here are the gingerbread houses that Daddy and Larkin
and Mommy and Brayden created.

Hard at work making Christmas cookies! 
What good helpers we had this year.

 Our little Santa putting his hat on his own way!
 Getting ready to open some presents.
Sleeping Beauty to add to Larkin's princess collection.
This was the start of game day.  They were about to open Hungry Hungry Hippos and Cootie. 
This lead to an afternoon of board game fun. 
Who knew a two year old would love Hungry Hungry Hippos so much!
 The start of our My Little Pony collection.
 Ohhh an airplane!
 Christmas morning checking out their new "indoor" camping supplies!
 Guess who liked the tent!
 Thanks, Aunt Tara, for the Lalaloopsy house.
"Think I will get a little closer!"
 After a little scavenger hunt this was the last gift they found!
 Santa Jordan (the cat).  Uncle Mark and Aunt Mary make the holidays so much fun.
 Ready to start opening more packages.
Helping Aunt Mary open a present.

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